Liverpool Safeguarding Adults Board privacy notice
This privacy notice explains how the Liverpool Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) collects, uses and shares personal information in order to carry out its statutory duties and responsibilities. This notice will be reviewed and updated annually or earlier if necessary, to comply with changes in the law.
Who is the data controller for the information I provide?
Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Safeguarding Adults Board will act as both Data Controller and joint Data Controller with authorised partner agencies for the processing of your information.
What is the legal process for collecting and processing your data?
Liverpool Safeguarding Adults Board will process information under GDPR Article 6 [e] a Public Interest and Article 9 [h], for the provision of health and social care. These processing conditions derive from the following legislation:
- The Care Act 2014
- Health and Social Care Act 2015
- Children’s Act 1989
- Localism Act 2011
- Data Protection Act 2018
- Human Rights Act 1998
- Mental Health Act 1983 (Amended 2007)
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Homelessness Reduction Act 2017
Where we use data for the purpose of a Safeguarding Adults Review or other review type(s), we will apply appropriate security protection and it will only be accessed by those with an authorised operational reason to do so.
Information we may collect
In the course of working with you, or with professionals from other agencies who also work with you, we may collect the following types of personal information:
- your name
- your address
- your date of birth
- your email address and contact telephone number
- any relevant unique identifiers, such as National Insurance number or NHS number
- details of relatives/family members and/or appropriate representatives.
- details of any safeguarding concerns related to any safeguarding adult review processes, and/or any related complaints.
- details of your involvement with providers of health, care or other agencies who hold information about you that is relevant to a Safeguarding Adults Review.
- professional views and/or opinions in the course of Safeguarding Adults Review processes.
We collect your personal information directly from you or from the agencies you’ve been in contact with, this includes providers of health or care services or criminal justice partners.
Who will your information be shared with?
We will use the information we have collected to fulfil our statutory responsibilities in relation to organising and commissioning safeguarding adult reviews (s44 Care Act 2014). In the course of these reviews we may collect information from, or share it, with some third parties, for instance Police, health or social care services, if there is a need to do so in order for the SAB to exercise its functions.
If the SAB receives information for which it does not have a statutory function, the information will be returned to the author and the information received will be deleted. There may be other times when we are legally required to share your information. These include:
- where there is a serious risk of harm to you or to others
- where there are concerns that an adult is at risk of or is experiencing harm or abuse
- for the prevention or detection of crime
- where any legislative procedure requires us to share information about you
How long will you keep this information for and why?
Liverpool Safeguarding Adults Board data collected as part of the Safeguarding Adults Review process for eight years from the completion of the SAR.
How will my information be stored?
The security of your personal information is important to us and we have procedures in place to control and safeguard access to and use of your personal information.
Anyone who receives information from us is also under a legal duty to only use the information for the purposes agreed and keep the information secure and confidential.
Where we use data for the purpose of a safeguarding adult review or other review type(s), we will apply additional protection for your information where appropriate.
Will this information be used to take automated decisions about me?
Will my data be transferred abroad?
What rights do I have when it comes to my data?
You have a number of rights that are set out on the How to access your data page of
Where can I get advice?
View our Help and advice on for more information.